Patterns designed by Diarrablu
2020 Top10 Finalist

Anyone who dares to dream, actually builds, and then thrives in the arena deserves the utmost respect. Entrepreneurs, big and small, technology-oriented or not, are rightly viewed as heroes across communities globally.
In Africa, more than anywhere else in the world, these entrepreneurs face even greater challenges. The ones that survive ultimately play a critical role—not just by inspiring others, but by catalyzing impact across the entire continent. In this note, I’ll share four tips to help African entrepreneurs not only survive but thrive.
Prioritize Your Well-being
Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, particularly at the outset. Research shows that entrepreneurs report mental health concerns at more than double the rate of the general population, which is alarming. It’s crucial to prioritize your well-being. Take care of yourself, seek help when needed, and lean into your network of peers, friends, and loved ones for support. Remember, even superheroes need a break.
Maintain a Laser Focus
It’s a well-known fact that Africa is plagued with a myriad of issues, and these often present tempting opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, to achieve sustainable growth, it’s important to stay focused. You will grow more effectively by doing fewer things and executing them flawlessly, rather than attempting to do several things at once and falling short of expectations. The race is not always to the swift but to those who stay the course.
Embrace Collaboration
African entrepreneurs are often in fierce competition with each other, sometimes setting off a race to the bottom in the marketplace. While this competition is understandable, as everyone is trying to eke out a living, it doesn’t have to be the norm. In fact, as counterintuitive as it might seem, we are better off together. Collaboration can lead to greater success. After all, as the saying goes on the continent, “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”
Increase Your Visibility
In the age of social media and an increasingly connected digital world, it is no longer enough to have a good product or service. Being widely known for what you offer has become an imperative for success. Stay visible—leverage your network, communicate the right information through the right channels, to the right people, and at the right times.
It is heartwarming to see more entrepreneurship support organizations springing up across the continent, alongside various public and private sector-led initiatives. Don’t shy away—be intentional about engaging with these groups. They can provide valuable support, connections, and resources to help you on your journey. You’ve got this!
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