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2020 Top10 Finalist


In this interview, we speak with 2020 Top 10 Hero, Dr. Emma Naluyima, as she shares her journey of establishing and building an innovative educational institution in Uganda, MST Junior School. She discusses her experience as a leader in education, and her approach to shaping future leaders. MST Junior School is a pioneering institution focused on providing quality education with a strong emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in Uganda. Dr. Emma, born in Uganda, founded the school in 2012, aiming to bridge the educational gap and provide children with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

  1. MST Junior School has a unique model for education. Could you share the inspiration behind establishing the school and how its approach to learning stands out from traditional models?
    The founders of the school, who had achieved success in farming, realized the importance of passing on their knowledge to the younger generation. They saw starting a school as the best way to do this. Given that agriculture is the backbone of our country, Uganda, they wanted to support its future by promoting sustainable food production and job creation, using modern methods.

    The school’s learning approach is centered around practicality, with farming serving as the foundation to teach most subjects. Our goal is to make knowledge and skills tangible, helping students lead productive lives. We focus on teaching three key things every African should know: time management, the value of money, and the culture of saving.
  2. In addition to the academic curriculum, what additional courses or skills do learners at MST Junior School undertake? Can you provide some examples?
    At MST Junior School, we offer a wide range of courses and skills to ensure a well-rounded education. In addition to Agriculture, we teach Art and Crafts, Carpentry, Information Technology (IT), Home Economics, Music, Dance and Drama (MDD), and various sports including basketball, football, netball, and chess. We also place a strong emphasis on financial literacy, introducing learners to entrepreneurship, bookkeeping, and saving through practical use of banking systems.
  3. What are the key traits or qualities you aim to instill in every MST Junior School graduate?
    Our vision is to unlock each child's potential through practical learning. We focus on core values like being God-fearing, managing time effectively, working as a team, striving for excellence, and fostering innovation. We want our students to manage their time well and collaborate creatively to achieve success. Ultimately, we aim to produce graduates who take initiative fearlessly, confidently pursue their goals, and rely on research and innovation to solve problems. We emphasize critical thinking and provide a broad range of experiences to help our learners develop these skills.

  4. When reflecting on the outcomes of MST Junior School alumni, how do you see their experiences differ in the long term from students who have not benefited from such a practical, hands-on approach to education?
    Our students stand out even when they return home for the holidays. They are more adaptable, eager to work, and approach challenges with creativity. They are also computer literate, which gives them an edge in today’s world. Many of our learners actively contribute to family income-generating projects, helping increase savings. This practical, hands-on approach not only prepares them to think critically and solve problems but also equips them with skills that allow them to support their families financially and plan for their future.
  5. How have parents responded to your innovative educational model? Have you encountered any hesitation, and how do you address it?
    Parents love our model. They are now asking us to build a secondary school to accommodate the learners who leave this place to ensure continuity. The parents’ support is seen in our increasing numbers, from 156 in our first year to 360 to-date, which represents a 100% increase of our expected total capacity of 400 learners. Parents often book in advance to have their children enrolled into our school, and we have often received many referrals from parents to our model. Several parents have recommended our model to their partner schools, and it has gradually been copied. We have occasionally gotten schools visiting us and desiring to benchmark.

    The hesitation was due to the fear of balancing all the components of the model and producing good results at the end of the learning level. This was overcome when our team was able to have all the candidates pass in the last 4 years highly and better than the schools not engaged in such programs.
  6. Farming has traditionally been viewed as a less attractive career path by many educated individuals. How is MST Junior School working to change that perception and encourage students to see agriculture as a viable and lucrative option?
    Each learner is given an animal or a plant to look after. The products from the farm are sold to the school or community, and the learners are encouraged to bank and save the money earned. Learners benefit directly from farming through earnings, which they save. Additionally, they can see their proceeds in real time and feed on them, which fills them with joy and gratitude. Since the children enjoy the eggs, milk, chicken, and beef or pork produced, they take pleasure in the process of producing them.

    The learners are guided through clear steps in farming, which not only helps them understand the processes but also excites them. This approach helps them develop an appreciation for agriculture as a career. To further break down the bias against farming as a career, every teacher, including the founders, dresses as farmers, which helps change perceptions about the profession.

    Image: MST Junior looking students after their animals
  7. In an increasingly technologically advanced world, how is MST Junior School preparing its students to thrive in such a sophisticated environment? Could you share some specific examples?
    The "T" in MST stands for Technology. We have an ICT center where learners are taught essential computer skills. They are introduced to electronic media and exposed to various electronic learning materials, recorded from different areas of study.

    Learners also conduct research using electronic media in the ICT Center, applying the knowledge and skills they have already gained. The school policy emphasizes working electronically with learners, parents, and customers as much as possible to integrate technology into daily operations.

    We have introduced the International Computer Driving License (ICDL), a digital literacy learning framework. This initiative is designed to equip our learners with globally recognized skills, enabling them to work effectively in an increasingly digital world.
  8. According to the World Bank, Africa is projected to have the largest workforce in the world by 2035. Considering the current state of education across the continent, do you believe Africa will have a workforce equipped with the necessary skills to meet this opportunity, or is there a risk of having the numbers without the readiness?
    I see this trend as a positive development for Africa. If the education system across the continent were like the one at MST, with an emphasis on increased skilling programs, Africa would be well-positioned to realize 70% of its potential labor force within the next ten years.
  9. What have been some of the greatest challenges you have faced in running MST Junior School, and how have you worked to overcome them?
    COVID-19 posed a significant challenge; we were closed for 77 weeks. During this time, we had to ensure our staff were supported by providing food and paying half their salary. Another challenge has been the loss of good staff who are familiar with our curriculum, as they leave for better opportunities. The high cost of inputs and equipment necessary to maintain and keep our model running has also been a persistent challenge.
  10. The quality of education is significantly influenced by the quality of teachers. How do you go about recruiting educators who share your vision and passion for learning?
    We recruit teachers from the same pool as other schools, but we make sure to orient them to our specific model. Every holiday, we offer refresher training to keep them aligned with our approach. We also assign teachers specific responsibilities on different projects, allowing them to learn and earn extra income by supporting the development of students' skills.

    We encourage our teachers to pursue further studies in fields related to our model and sponsor some of them to improve the quality of education. During the lockdown, all of our teachers received computer training to ensure they were ready to conduct virtual classes effectively.
  11. Looking ahead, what are your future goals and aspirations for MST Junior School?
    Looking ahead, some of our key goals and aspirations for MST Junior School include:
    1. Fully equipping the ICT center to ensure our students have access to the best technological resources.
    2. Providing housing for all school staff to enhance their commitment and well-being.
    3. Building a second laboratory to further support our practical learning approach.
    4. Establishing a secondary school to ensure continuity for our graduates.
    5. Modernizing our farm to meet global standards, with the addition of research and training facilities to advance agricultural education.
    6. Organizing visits to selected learners during the holidays to provide support for their projects.
    7. Following up with our alumni in secondary schools to assist with their ongoing projects and development.
    8. Finalizing our supplementary learning framework and having it approved for use by 2026.

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